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ESPN2 and Other ESPN Channels on DISH
Join the 95 million¹ other sports lovers who tune into DISH channel 143 for 24/7 ESPN2 action. A sister channel to ESPN, ESPN2 brings you access to Arena Football League, Major League Soccer, Poker, Grand Slam tournaments coverage, and ESPN First Take. Order America’s Top 120 or higher to enjoy ESPN2 in your subscription.
¹TV by the Numbers, "List of how many homes each cable network is in as of February 2015"
DISH TV Packages
With DISH Network Plans, get reliable entertainment at just the right price! Pick a package that fits your needs.
America's Top 120
for 24 months.
Free DVR and DISH Voice Remote‡ Included
Watch ESPN, Newsmax, CMT, Disney Channel, and E!
28K On-Demand titles
Local Channels
190 Channels
America's Top 200
for 24 months.
Free DVR and DISH Voice Remote‡ Included
America's Top 120 and more including NFL Network, NBA TV, Hallmark, Disney Channel, and A&E
25K On-Demand titles
Local Channels
240+ channels
America's Top 250
for 24 months.
Free DVR and DISH Voice Remote‡ Included
America's Top 200 and more including Turner Classic Movies, STARZ Encore channels, Bloomberg, Nicktoons, and Great American Country
26K On-Demand titles
Local Channels
290+ channels
2-year price guarantee requires credit qualification and 2-year commitment and covers core programming, local networks, and equipment. Prices include Hopper Duo for qualifying customers. Hopper, Hopper w/Sling or Hopper 3 $5/mo. more. Upfront fees may apply based on credit qualification
‡Requires internet-connected Hopper, Joey, or Wally device. Customer must press Voice Remote button to activate feature.

The Hopper 3 Is a Sports Fan’s Dream Come True
If you love a variety of sports, catching all the games you want can be difficult. That’s why Hopper 3® from DISH has advanced functions that let you watch several shows on the same screen. Use MultiView or Picture-in-Picture to keep your head in multiple games!
Shows and Sports to Watch on ESPN2
Stay connected to the highlights, news, and analysis of the sports you love with ESPN’s flagship program.
First Take
Hear the latest sports topics debated by Molly Qerim, Max Kellerman, and Stephen A. Smith.
Monday Night Football
The traditional TV every die-hard knows, Monday Night Football features highlights, recent scores, and broadcasts in Spanish!
Formula One Racing
Watch world championship auto racing from practice to qualifiers.
Grand Slam Tournaments
Get access to the Australian Open, the U.S. Open, Wimbledon, and the French Open.

Love Sports? Get More Options from DISH
If you’re a die-hard, you probably need more in-depth sports coverage. Bring the action into your home with sports packs from DISH.
Choose from a variety of packs to enjoy out-of-market NBA and MLB games, coverage of major networks, and international sports.
MLB Extra Innings
NBA League Pass
Outdoor Package