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Expand Your Options with DISH On Demand Movies and TV
Order DISH to watch Video On Demand!
When you don’t feel like recording to your DVR or switching interfaces to stream, don’t! DISH Video On Demand offers thousands of on- and off-air shows and movies that you can rent or stream free whenever the mood strikes.
Choose from over 80,000 titles (60,000 of them FREE)
Easily binge-watch without leaving the DISH interface
Watch blockbuster movies early, sometimes the day they’re released in theatres
On Demand included FREE with America’s Top 120+ and higher
Accessible by voice search or from your TV guide menu
Se habla Español.
America's Top 120
for 24 months.
Free DVR and DISH Voice Remote‡ Included
Watch ESPN, Newsmax, CMT, Disney Channel, and E!
28K On-Demand titles
Local Channels
190 Channels
America's Top 200
for 24 months.
Free DVR and DISH Voice Remote‡ Included
America's Top 120 and more including NFL Network, NBA TV, Hallmark, Disney Channel, and A&E
25K On-Demand titles
Local Channels
240+ channels
America's Top 250
for 24 months.
Free DVR and DISH Voice Remote‡ Included
America's Top 200 and more including Turner Classic Movies, STARZ Encore channels, Bloomberg, Nicktoons, and Great American Country
26K On-Demand titles
Local Channels
290+ channels
2-year price guarantee requires credit qualification and 2-year commitment and covers core programming, local networks, and equipment. Prices include Hopper Duo for qualifying customers. Hopper, Hopper w/Sling or Hopper 3 $5/mo. more. Upfront fees may apply based on credit qualification
‡Requires internet-connected Hopper, Joey, or Wally device. Customer must press Voice Remote button to activate feature.
Learn More about DISH Packages
The Top DISH Networks On Demand
DISH On Demand isn’t just for watching off-air exclusives—it’s also a convenient way to stream the hottest shows on TV. With America’s Top 120+ and higher, you can watch current and recent episodes available from any channel in your chosen DISH TV plan, including top networks like these:

DISH On Demand Is Portable
Stream On Demand content from your phone or tablet with DISH Anywhere®. This free mobile app offers the same On Demand library you get with your chosen TV plan, and sometimes episodes are even downloadable so you can watch without a Wi-Fi connection.
**Watching live and recorded TV anywhere requires an internet-connected Hopper w/Sling or Hopper 3 and compatible mobile device.